Pet Chicken Breeds That Are Friendly and Docile

Updated April 20, 2022
Child holding pet chicken

Chickens were once thought of strictly as farm animals, but as more cities allow backyard chickens, these birds are now being kept for their pet potential, as well as their eggs. The following recommendations of the best chicken breeds for pets are based on keeping pet hens, since roosters are naturally more aggressive.

Small Chicken Breeds

Some owners prefer a smaller breed depending on how much space they have available. They may also find the smaller breeds easier to handle for their first pet chicken.

Silkie Chickens

Partridge Silkie hen and chicks

Silkies are one of the best chicken breeds to keep as pets. They are also one of the cutest chicken breeds. Their soft feathers feel almost like hair, and their fluffiness makes them look more like a Muppet than a chicken, which really makes them appealing to children. According to Cackle Hatchery, some Silkies have "beards," which almost totally obscure their faces, while others are beardless. These chickens are also unusual because they have naturally black skin, bright blue earlobes, and a fifth toe on each foot.

While keeping a chicken indoors is not recommended because you really can't house train them, this breed is probably the best choice for at least bringing into the house occasionally.

  • Temperament: Sweet and friendly; enjoys being held and petted
  • Size: Bantam, weighing about 32 to 36 ounces
  • Colors/patterns include: Solid colors black, blue, white, and buff, as well as patterns like partridge and splash
  • Hardiness: Protect from rain and cold due to the lack of hard feathers
  • Egg-laying capacity: About two to three brown eggs per week

Sebright Chickens

Silver Sebright Bantam

Sebrights were originally created to be "ornamental chickens," and hence they're not a good choice if you're looking for a frequent egg layer. However, they're beautiful birds and make excellent pets, especially with children. They also are a breed where the males and females have the same feather patterns and colors.

  • Temperament: They are friendly birds who are known to be good around children; they have a reputation for being loud and chatty.
  • Size: Bantam, under 2 pounds
  • Color: Golden or silver feathers outlined with black
  • Hardiness: They do not do well with extremes of heat or cold
  • Egg-laying capacity: About three small white or cream eggs per week

Friendliest Chicken Breeds

Certain breeds are known for having outgoing personalities and appear to enjoy interacting with people. Some chicken breeds even enjoy cuddling! These breeds are great options for people looking for the best chickens for pets.

Brahma Chickens

Light Brahma hen

Standard Brahmas are one of the largest chicken breeds, and even bantam Brahmas are larger than many other bantam breeds. Their profuse feathering makes them exceptionally cuddly. They have small pea combs and feathered legs and toes.

  • Temperament: Described as calm and docile by the Livestock Conservancy, they are known for being cuddly with humans.
  • Sizes: Comes in standard size (9 to 12 pounds) and bantam size (34 to 38 ounces)
  • Colors include: Light, dark, and buff
  • Hardiness: Tolerant of cold winter weather, but feet should be inspected daily for accumulation of snow clumps; should be given some shelter from the summer heat
  • Egg-laying capacity: Two to three light brown eggs per week for standards; one to two creamy white eggs per week for bantams

Cochin Chickens

Black Cochin hen

According to Meyer Hatchery, Cochins are one of the fluffiest friendly chicken breeds, and their thick layers of feathers and down make them appear larger than they really are. These single-comb chickens also have feathers on their feet, so clean and check them every week to make sure they don't develop sores or exceptionally scaly skin that might indicate a mite infestation.

Bantams of this breed might also make good sometimes-indoor pets with constant supervision.

  • Temperament: Docile and friendly; enjoy being held
  • Size: Comes in standard size (8 to 11 pounds) and bantam (28 to 32 ounces)
  • Colors/patterns include: Solid colors, laced, mottled, partridge, and more
  • Hardiness: Cold tolerant, but keep an eye on foot feathers for ice balls during winter; provide shelter from excessive heat in summer
  • Egg-laying capacity: About two brown eggs per week for standards and bantams

Speckled Sussex Chickens

Speckled Sussex hen

The Speckled Sussex is a fairly large and beautiful chicken. According to My Pet Chicken, it has a single comb, and its feet are free of feathers. Hens of this breed tend to go broody, which means they will try to incubate their eggs even if there isn't a rooster around to fertilize them. Still, they are one of the friendliest chicken breeds due to their nice personalities and they make good pets. Just be sure to check the nest box and coop each day and remove any eggs right away.

  • Temperament: Curious and interested in people; fairly calm and not prone to flying
  • Size: Standard size, 7 to 9 pounds
  • Color: Rich, mahogany feathers with black and white speckling that increases with age
  • Hardiness: Cold hardy and heat tolerant
  • Egg-laying capacity: About four to five light brown eggs a week

Easter Egger Chickens

Easter egger hen

According to Cackle Hatchery, Easter eggers are not a true breed. They are incredibly popular hybrids of Araucana and Ameraucana chicken heritage that are particularly prized for the unusual colors of their eggs. These chickens have pea combs, feather "beards," and feather-free feet. They're great egg producers, and they don't appear to mind being confined, so they're very easy to care for.

  • Temperament: Easy going, friendly, and like to sit on their caretaker's lap
  • Size: Comes in standard size (5.5 to 6.5 pounds) and bantam size (26 to 30 ounces)
  • Colors include: A wide variety of color and pattern combinations due to their hybrid heritage
  • Hardiness: Very tolerant of heat and cold
  • Egg-laying capacity: Approximately five to six eggs per week for standards, and about four per week for bantams; color ranges from blue to green to pale pink; each hen lays a single color

Docile Chicken Breeds That Are Quieter

Any bird owner can tell you that birds are generally known for being noisy. Some chicken breeds tend to be quieter than others, which makes them good choices if you're in an area with a lot of neighbors.

Orpington Chickens

Buff Orpington hen

According to the Livestock Conservancy, Orpingtons were created by breeding Minorca roosters to Black Plymouth Rock hens, and then breeding their offspring to Langshan chickens. Orpingtons are good-sized chickens with single combs and clean feet.

  • Temperament: Laid back and friendly; love to receive food treats; generally quiet, but tend to cluck at their caregivers
  • Size: Standard, 7 to 8.5 pounds
  • Colors/patterns include: Buff, black, blue, white, speckled (Jubilee), mottled (spangled), and black and white striped (cuckoo)
  • Hardiness: Cold hardy and heat tolerant
  • Egg-laying capacity: Approximately four eggs per week

Polish Chickens

Polish Chickens

Polish chickens will definitely stand out in your yard with their unusual feathered "cap" that fans out over both eyes and their heads. It's this unique feather arrangement that led to their alternate name of "Top Hats." They can also have beards for a truly full-feathered facial appearance. These chickens are great for beginners because of their gentle nature. You may find you need to trim back their top hat feathers if they have issues with seeing correctly.

  • Temperament: Gentle, quiet and generally friendly and easy-going; they can be pecked on by other chickens because of their docility and they can be skittish as a result
  • Size: About 4 to 5 pounds
  • Colors/patterns include: Black, black-crested white, white, white-crested black, blue laced, buff laced, golden, yellow-white laced, silver, cuckoo, and black mottled
  • Hardiness: They tolerate heat well but do not do well in cold wintry climates
  • Egg-laying capacity: Approximately two to three small to medium white eggs per week

Best Chickens for Beginners

While there are several chicken breeds that are friendly, some are particularly good with people. Any breed that is known for being good with children is an excellent choice for beginners.

Faverolle Chickens

Salmon Faverolle hen

According to Meyer Hatchery, the Faverolle is a gorgeous, single-combed, French breed with extremely full feathering, as well as a beard, ear tufts, and feathers on the legs and feet. Holding one feels like holding a warm pillow. Faverolles are also one of a few breeds that actually have five toes on each foot.

  • Temperament: Gentle, affectionate, and calm around children
  • Size: Standard, 6.5 to 8 pounds
  • Colors: Creamy white with honey brown and touches of black
  • Hardiness: Does well in cold weather, but check feathers on the feet daily for ice balls
  • Egg-laying capacity: About three to four cream-colored eggs per week

Wyandotte Chickens

Silver laced Wyandotte hen

According to My Pet Chicken, Wyandottes are heavy-bodied chickens with small rose combs that resist frostbite in the winter. These chickens also have nice, full bodies of feathers that come in amazing colors and patterns that are really breathtaking, especially in a mixed flock where they truly stand out. Think of them as showgirls of the chicken world.

  • Temperament: Calm and friendly; can be "chatty" with their caregivers; often bossy toward other chickens if not given sufficient room to forage
  • Size: Comes in standard size (6.5 to 7.5 pounds) and bantam size (24 to 30 ounces)
  • Colors/Patterns include: Silver-laced, gold-laced, blue-laced red, Columbian (black-spotted hackle on white with a black tail), buff, partridge, and more
  • Hardiness: Cold hardy and fairly heat tolerant
  • Egg-laying capacity: About four light brown eggs per week

Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red Chicken

As you can tell from their name, the Rhode Island Red is the official state bird of Rhode Island. Members of the breed are a great beginner choice as they're fairly hardy and easy to take care of. They can be very gentle with people and children, although if you don't spend enough time with them as they grow up, they can be more standoffish.

  • Temperament: Friendly and outgoing and enjoy people, as well as being picked up and held by humans; roosters have a reputation for being aggressive
  • Size: Standard, about 7 to 8 pounds
  • Colors/Patterns include: Red, although in other countries they also come in white
  • Hardiness: Tolerates the cold very well and can tolerate moderate heat
  • Egg-laying capacity: Approximately four to six large brown eggs each week

Jersey Giants

Jersey Giants Chicken

The Jersey Giant makes a good beginner choice for a pet chicken because they are friendly and laid back not only with people but with other chickens, as well. They also can get along well with other pets. They are impressive when fully grown and though they have nice personalities, they may not be good with small children because they will be too big to pick up and carry around.

  • Temperament: Known for being a calm, easy-going breed that gets along with other chicken breeds, people, and other pets; roosters are known for being less difficult to deal with than other chicken breeds
  • Size: Large, between 8 to 20 pounds
  • Colors/Patterns include: Usually have black feathers, though some are white and blue-laced; roosters have a single red comb
  • Hardiness: They do very well in both cold and hot temperatures, though high heat can be hard for them
  • Egg-laying capacity: About three to four large brown eggs weekly

Best Egg-producing Chickens

Having chickens as pets is favored not only for spending time with these engaging creatures but also for the benefit of fresh eggs! Certain breeds produce more eggs than others, so if you're thinking about keeping chickens with an eye toward egg production, you should consider one of these breeds.

Australorp Chickens Are Prolific Egg Layers

Australorp hen

According to Cackle Hatchery, Australorps are some of the most prolific egg layers. They have single combs and no feathers on their feet. These chickens are considered Australia's national breed, according to the Australorp Club of Australia.

  • Temperament: Typically easy-going and social; enjoys being petted
  • Size: Comes in standard size (6.5 to 8 pounds) and bantam size (27 to 41 ounces)
  • Color: Black with a metallic green sheen that shows in direct sunlight
  • Hardiness: Cold hardy; protect from excessive heat
  • Egg-laying capacity: About four to five brown eggs a week, sometimes more

Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens

Barred Plymouth Rock hen

Simply known as Barred Rocks, these chickens are a variety of Plymouth Rocks, and they're very good egg producers. According to My Pet Chicken, they have single combs and unfeathered feet and legs. Barred Rocks are visually stunning with their bold stripes and red combs and wattles, so they are also standouts in any backyard flock, just like Wyandottes.

  • Temperament: A little sassy at times, but still friendly and curious
  • Size: Comes in standard size (6 to 7.5 pounds) and bantam size (32 to 36 ounces)
  • Color: Black bars over white
  • Hardiness: Very cold and heat tolerant
  • Egg-laying capacity: Approximately four light-brown eggs per week

Leghorn Chickens

Leghorn Chickens

Leghorn chickens have a reputation for being very intelligent, although they do not always have the best temperament to be pets. They can be skittish and do not crave human interaction in the least. They're a great choice as an egg layer, but not particularly as a pet.

  • Temperament: Smart but not particularly friendly or cuddly; are known to be very loud; can be skittish and will bolt if nervous
  • Size: Available in standard and bantam sizes. Standard hens are typically 4 to 5 pounds and roosters are 6 to 7 pounds
  • Color: Black, brown, buff, Columbian, cuckoo, red, red-tailed black, silver, and white
  • Hardiness: Best in warmer climates and need a coop that will protect them from drafts in colder areas
  • Egg-laying capacity: About five to six large to extra-large white eggs a week

White Plymouth Rock Chickens

White Plymouth Rock Chickens

This chicken breed is a hardy chicken that is a great choice for someone who wants a friendly bird with excellent egg-laying capabilities. They like people and even do well around other types of pets. They are also a good choice if you have a smaller space, as they don't have the larger space needs of other breeds.

  • Temperament: This breed is known for being generally calm and quiet and enjoys being around people.
  • Size: Standard between 6 to 8 pounds
  • Color: White, with a red comb
  • Hardiness: Hardy in both cold and warm climates
  • Egg-laying capacity: About six to seven brown eggs a week

Do Roosters Make Good Pets?

Roosters may have a reputation for being aggressive, although they actually can make excellent pets. Roosters that have been handled since birth and have become used to humans are much more likely to be friendly with people. It's not unusual for them to exhibit pushy behavior as they reach maturity, but with some training, they can learn to temper that behavior around you and other people.

On the other hand, taming an adult rooster that has not been handled may prove difficult, and these birds can be unappealing pets. Rooster temperament will also vary by breed, as some breeds are known for being more aggressive than others. They also can be quite loud, so you may want to think twice about having a rooster if the daily crowing will annoy your neighbors.

Bringing Out Your Chicken's Pet Potential

Although the breeds mentioned above have some of the greatest pet potential, many hens can be tamed if you work with your chick from the time she comes home.

  • Handle your chick for short periods throughout the day, gradually working up to longer sessions a couple of times a day as you gain her trust.
  • Always hold your pet securely with one arm around her body, and one hand cradling her chest. If you sit, she'll eventually relax on your lap while you gently stroke her.
  • Speak softly to your pet so you don't startle her.
  • Keep plenty of chick food and clean water available and clean up droppings frequently. Less environmental stress means a more relaxed and healthy pet.

Training Chickens to Be Friendlier

In addition to working with your chicks to get them used to human handling right away, provide them with treats often to make them associate you with the best things in life. You can also work up to hand-feeding them to increase their ease with being around you up close.

In the beginning, you may want to keep them from foraging in the yard, as you want them to only get food from you, and gradually allow them to forage more as you establish a close relationship with them. Treats that chickens will really enjoy include fresh berries, live mealworms, cooked oatmeal (with milk, not water), raw or cooked plain fresh pumpkin, or low-fat or non-fat yogurt.

Where to Buy Pet Chickens

Pet chickens are easier to come by than you may realize. You can buy them both locally and online.

Buying Chickens in Person

Local farmers sometimes have extra chicks to sell, and Tractor Supply Company sells chicks in their stores during their annual Chick Days celebration every March through April. Bins are marked either as pullets (hens) or straight run, which means you could get a pullet or a rooster, and you won't know which until the chick matures.

Buying Chickens Online

Meyer Hatchery, My Pet Chicken, and Cackle Hatchery are three online sources for chicks. Unlike many hatcheries that require you to buy as many as 15 to 25 chicks at a time, you can order as few as three standard chicks or, with the exception of Cackle Hatchery, five bantam chicks, and they don't all have to be the same breed. Note that My Pet Chicken is the only hatchery that offers sexed bantams.

Keep in mind that since these are live animals, there aren't always enough hatched chicks to supply the demand, which can be disappointing. Be sure to pick out a couple of substitute breeds in case you're notified that your order can't be filled as requested.

Be Sure You Really Want a Chicken

It's easy to get swept up in the moment when you're looking at a cute little chick or a beautiful adult chicken, but chickens aren't the ideal pet for everyone. Do your homework and make sure you can provide proper living space for your pet, and that your municipality allows backyard chickens. Once you've done that, try to visit someone that has pet chickens so you can see what they're really like, and then you can decide if this is truly the right pet for you.

Pet Chicken Breeds That Are Friendly and Docile