7 Gorgeous Brown Cat Breeds With Great Personalities

Published December 13, 2022
Woman holding cute brown cat with green eyes

Some of the most striking, gorgeous cat breeds come with brown in their coats. Although many people think of traditional tabby cats when they think of brown felines, there are actually dozens of cat breeds with different fur colors and patterns that include brown markings, patterns, or highlights. Many of these breeds have been around for thousands of years, while others have only recently become popular as pets due to their unique appearances and personality traits.

Brown Cat Markings and Coat Types

Most cat breeds with brown in their coat coloration aren't completely covered in brown. Most can have brown as one or more of the colors that make up their unique markings. Cat breeds have a variety of coat markings, from simple black and white to complex patterns that resemble an intricate maze. The following are the most common, and brown colors can be found in each type of coat:

Cat markings infographic
  • Spots: These are round or oval spots on a cat's coat. Spots can have solid or tabby fur around them.
  • Ticking: This is a pattern of fine stripes or spots in a lighter color than the rest of the fur. The color may be white, cream or tan, but it will not match the base color of the coat. Ticking is usually seen on white cats, but can also appear on tortoiseshell cats and calico cats.
  • Masks: A mask is a dark area around the eyes and nose that extends back over the ears and down to almost meet at the throat. This mask never covers all areas, so there will always be some white exposed somewhere.


The Abyssinian cat is a medium-sized cat with a muscular body. Although they can have red, fawn, or blue coloring, they are known for being ruddy, or red-toned, brown in color, or cinnamon ticked with chocolate brown coloration. However, any color pattern can display brown ticking. The tail can be as long as half the length of the cat's body.

Surprised Abyssinian cat in living room

Abyssinian cats are intelligent and curious, but they can be shy when they meet strangers. They love being around people and make excellent companions. In fact, many Abyssinian cats will follow their owners around like dogs, although they do not like to be picked up or held for very long.

Abyssinians are known for their high energy levels, but they also enjoy lounging around the house and taking naps on sunny windowsills. They are very playful, so they need lots of toys and space to run around in.

American Bobtail

The American Bobtail comes in shorthair and medium longhair coat, has a bobbed tail, and is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and affectionate personality. The American Bobtail was first bred in the United States during the 1970s. This cat breed is similar to the Munchkin in appearance, but it does not have any health issues associated with its short legs.

The American Bobtail comes in a wide variety of colorations and coat patterns. Nearly every combination is allowed under the breed standard. American Bobtails can have brown tabby coats or chocolate tortoiseshell coats. Rich cinnamon coats with a white belly and chest are possible, as are silvery-gray coats with white and brown markings on the face and tail.

Siamese American Bobtail Cat

American Bobtails are smart and make good pets for busy households where they will get a lot of attention and things to do. They are also very loyal to their owners, but they don't like being left alone for long periods of time because they need to interact with their human family members on a regular basis.


The Burmese cat is one of the most popular cat breeds, known for their affectionate, intelligent, and playful personality. They're also known for their beautiful blue eyes, long silky coats, and round, compact body shape. Burmese cats are known for their sable, champagne, blue, and platinum coat colors.

Burmese cats have a body type that's often described as "cobby," meaning they're short and stocky. They also have large eyes and round faces. The Burmese breed originated in Britain in 1870, when a British ship captain named Harrison Weir brought some purebred cats with silky hair from Burma, which is now called Myanmar.

Burmese cat

Weir bred these cats with black shorthairs that were already present in England at that time. This crossbreeding eventually led to the development of a new breed Weird called "Burmese" in 1879. He was interested in creating a breed based on color rather than type or size alone; he believed that this would lead to better health among these animals as well as increase their popularity among Victorian families at home.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are known for their large size, long brown fur, and gentle nature. They can grow to be between 15 and 20 pounds, making them one of the largest breeds of brown cats. Maine Coons were originally bred in Maine and New England in the United States, but they have spread throughout North America, and the world.

Maine Coon cat

Maine Coons are frequently affectionate toward humans, particularly children; they are also very intelligent and can learn tricks quickly. Maine Coons tend to get along well with dogs, other cats, and even small pets, such as guinea pigs or rabbits.

Maine Coons are strong climbers and jumpers, so it is important to keep them away from dangerous places like balconies or windowsills. They also need regular grooming because their fur tends to become matted if it is not brushed regularly. However, the grooming process can be enjoyable for both cat owners and their pets because the Maine Coon will often enjoy being petted while being brushed.

The base color of a Maine Coon is typically black or brown. The colors range from chocolate brown to dark yellowish-brown, with lighter colors being more common in female cats. Male Maine Coons tend to be darker than females.

Maine Coons can also have white patches on their bodies and tails, with the most common white patches being around the neck and chest area. The coat may have tabby markings on it, appearing as different colors than the base coat.

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of domestic cat native to Norway. The breed was developed in the early 20th century to protect farms and crops from mice and other small animals, but it has since been used as a neighborhood mouser.

Norwegian Forest Cat Lying On The Grass

Norwegian Forest Cats have a reputation for being very active and intelligent cats that enjoy exploring the outdoors and being with people. They are known for being very affectionate toward their owners, but they also like to spend time alone or with other cats in their household.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a natural breed with no known crossbreeding. All of the major cat groups, including the Cat Fancier's Association, the Norwegian Cat Association, and the Fédération Internationale Féline, have recognized the breed. The breed's coat comes in a wide variety of colorations, including sable, and brown tabby patterns, among many others.

The Norwegian Forest Cat has blue eyes and comes in two colors: black and brown. The brown eye coloration is often referred to as "blue" because it has a bluish hue to it, while the blue coloration is a dark grey-blue hue that appears almost black in some lighting conditions.

Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental Shorthair was created in the United States. It is thought that it originated from Asian Leopard Cats. This breed has a medium-length coat, which is short and smooth or semi-long with a softer texture than other cat breeds.

Oriental Shorthair Cat

The Oriental Shorthair can be found in many colors and patterns, including tabby (with or without white), solid black, and brown, with a wide variety of eye colors. These cats are good hunters who will spend hours playing with toys and climbing trees; they're often called the "hunter of windowsill birds" because they love to sit near windows looking out for birds (or any other possible prey). Besides hunting, they are easygoing cats who don't mind spending time alone, but do enjoy companionship when it's available.


To be honest, the Ocicat cat is a little bit of a mystery. The name itself is actually a combination of two other names: Ocelot and Bengal cat. The Ocelot is a wildcat native to South America, while the Bengal cat is a domesticated breed with spots. So what does that mean for your new Ocicat?

Well, it means your Ocicat will have the spotted coat of an Ocelot and the playful personality of a Bengal. However, this breed's coloration similarity to the Ocelot is only fur-deep. The Ocicat does not actually have any wild feline genetics in their line. This is a domestic breed, through and through. They're also known for being highly intelligent and very affectionate towards their owners.

Ocicat walking on grass

Ocicats are medium-sized cats that can grow up to 14 pounds when fully grown. Their coats come in all shades of brown, but there's one thing you'll notice about all Ocicats -- they each have one or more spots! These spots range from large blotches to small spots on their heads and tails, but they're always there.

Havana Brown

Havana Brown cats have been around since the early 20th century when they were first bred by crossing Siamese and Russian Blue cats together in England. It wasn't until after World War II when these cats became popular among British cat fanciers due to their unique coloring and sweet disposition. They became known as "Brown Russians," "Brown Siamese," or simply "brown tabby."

Havana Brown Domestic Cat

Havana brown cats are known for their rich, chocolate-brown coats, which can range from dark chocolate to light brown. The coat is long and silky and tends to shed very little. The eyes are usually hazel or greenish-yellow, but can also be golden or copper in some individuals. The nose should be black or brown with no pink showing through.

Havanas are extremely intelligent cats that learn quickly and can easily adapt to new situations or environments. They tend to be independent thinkers who will not follow commands if they don't feel like it at the moment, so training may take some time if you have an opinionated cat.

York Chocolate

The York Chocolate Cat is a medium-sized, short-haired cat that originated in the United Kingdom. The breed was established in 1986 by crossing Siamese and chocolate point Persians. The York Chocolate Cat has a round head with large ears and a short muzzle. Its eyes are round and wide apart, with green eyes being preferred. The coat comes in all colors and patterns, but the most common are brown or chocolate tabby.

York chocolate kitten

The York Chocolate cat is known for its high intelligence, friendly personality, and loyalty to its owners. It is also a very active cat that enjoys playing games with its owner or other pets in the house. These cats are not good for small children because of their size and playful nature. However, they do enjoy spending time with their families when they're not busy playing or lounging around on their own terms.

Devon Rex

Their fur is soft, silky, and curly, with a medium-length coat that will require occasional grooming. The Devon Rex typically comes in brown tabby, black silver tabby, blue silver tabby, red seal point, chocolate point, lilac point, and fawn tabby, among many other color and coat combinations. The breed has unique ears: they are large and rounded. Their fur is soft, silky, and curly, with a medium-length coat that will require occasional grooming.

Devon Rex cat

Devon Rexes are curious cats that are known for being very social and playful. They love to run around with their owners and engage in interactive playtime. They also enjoy being held close to their owners' chest when they're sleeping or relaxing. They're very intelligent cats who are very easy to train.


The origin of the Persian cat breed dates back to Persia, now modern Iran. In ancient times, people from China brought cats with them to Persia. These cats were bred with local wild cats and then imported back to China. The result was a new breed that had a long coat and large eyes, still known as the Persian today.

Persian cat with green eyes

The Persian's eyes are large and round, and the ears are broad at the base with pointed tips. The head is rounded with a short muzzle, and the nose is wide with nostrils that are close together. The tail is medium-length and tapered to a rounded tip. Fur coloration ranges from white to cream and to dark chocolate brown to black. The coat can also have shades of gray or blue. Persians are known for their thick coats and long fur.

Choose the Right Breed for You

Brown cat breeds come in all shapes, sizes, and coat patterns. No matter their color, all cats are unique and interesting, but they also have a lot of things in common, like the fact that they're all loyal, loving pets! Cats are one of our oldest companions, so it makes sense that there are so many breeds and possible color combinations. When choosing which cat is best for you, consider each cat's personality along with their looks, and you'll end up with an interesting feline friend for life.

7 Gorgeous Brown Cat Breeds With Great Personalities