Magical Cat Names for Your Mystical Feline

Updated April 18, 2019
Pagan Altar with Cat

If your kitty has some mystical vibes going on, consider some magical names for cats as you think about what to call your furry friend. From witchy names like "Minerva McGonagall" to medieval monikers like "Tibert," there are lots of fantastical options to choose from.

Legendary Magical Cat Names

There are many magical cats throughout film, literature, and mythology, and one of their names might be perfect for your pet. These stories might have names particularly fitting for your cat!


Bagheera is the large black panther is Rudyard Kipling's classic story, The Jungle Book. Bagheera escaped captivity to reclaim his wild lifestyle and raises Mowgli from a very young age. He, along with a few other jungle animals, act as mentors to the boy who eventually grows up and must return to society.


Bastet (also known as Bast) is an Egyptian goddess who often appears as a woman with a cat's head, or as a cat wearing an ornate gold necklace and large hoop earrings. She is the great protector of cats, happy households, and pregnant women. Bastest represents fertility and is portrayed as the goddess of the sun, responsible for shining sunlight down upon the fertile farmlands of southern Egypt.

Minerva McGonagall

Professor McGonagall, the transfiguration teacher from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, can transform herself into a silver tabby cat. Her feline form bears marking around its eyes similar to the professor's square spectacles.


William Butler Yeats' poem, The Cat and the Moon, is about a black cat named Minnaloushe. Creeping through the grass at night, Minnaloushe's eyes change colors as he moves in and out of the moonlight.

Mrs. Norris

Mrs. Norris is the tattletale cat that belongs to Argus Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts School in Harry Potter. Mrs. Norris prowls the halls meowing whenever she finds a student misbehaving.


The Nekobus, or Catbus, is a strange character from Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro. The half-cat-half-bus creature transports the movie's characters around a magical world in Japan.

Richard Parker

Richard Parker is a large Bengal tiger in Yann Martel's Life of Pi. In this magical realism novel, Richard Parker is lost at sea in a small lifeboat with a young Indian man named Pi.


Simpkin is the cat in Beatrix Potter's The Tailor of Gloucester. In the story, Simpkin captures all the mice in the tailor's shop and hides them beneath teacups. The tailor releases the mice, which end up completing an important project for him when he falls ill.


In Sheila Burnford's novel The Incredible Journey, Tao is a Siamese cat who travels with two canine companions, Luath and Bodger, looking for their supposedly long lost family. Tao is a clever hunter and survivalist, with a fierce loyalty to both the dogs and his family.


Tibert is a constable cat from Reynard the Fox, a medieval French folktale. Tibert chases after Reynard and tries to bring the trickster fox to justice before King Leo.

Thackery Binx

Thackery Binx is the immortal black cat in the movie Hocus Pocus. Binx is really a young boy, but turned into a cat when he tried to save his sister, Emily, from three evil witches.


Tybalt is the hot-tempered prince that is eventually murdered by Romeo in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. While he is indeed human and not a cat, Tybalt was named for Tibert, the cat from Reynard the Fox, and during the play is called the "Prince of Cats" by Mercutio.


While this particular name is a mouthful, some people choose to shorten it to Sun. This would be a great name for a Burmese cat since Tsun-Kyanske was the Burmese goddess of transmutation. The Burmese believed that only cats could converse with the goddess, and as such, her priests kept cats in their temples.

Witch Cat Names

If you would like to name your cat after a witch or warlock if it's a boy, there's inspiration to be found from famous magical characters in literature, movies, legends and video games.

  • Alatar (male) - A good wizard in the Lord of the Rings series of books associated with the color blue.
  • Allanon (male) - The powerful wizard from the book The Elfstones of Shannara.
  • Blaise (male) - In Arthurian legend, Blaise was the teacher of the great wizard Merlin.
  • Bran or Brandon (male) - The character from the Game of Thrones series who became a powerful seer.
  • Cassandra (female) - In Greek mythology, Cassandra was a prophetess who could see the future.
  • Circe (female) - A Greek sorceress who turned shipwrecked men into animals.
  • Evanora (female) - The Wicked Witch of the East from the Wizard of Oz.
  • Gandalf (male) - The wizard from J.R.R. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings trilogy. The name is associated with the colors white and grey.
  • Ged (male) - Wizard from the Wizard of Earthsea books.
  • Glinda (female) - The Good Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz.
  • Gwydion (male) - A wizard from Welsh mythology who also had a reputation as a trickster.
  • Howl (male) - The wizard main character from Howl's Moving Castle book and animated movie.
  • Illyana (female) - As in Illyana Rasputin, AKA Magik, a character from the X-Men comic books.
  • Jadis (female) - The evil White Witch in C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
  • Lilith (female) - Means "belonging to the night" and refers to a demon who was the first wife of Adam and rejected him.
  • Locasta (female) - The Good Witch of the North from the Wizard of Oz.
  • Maggy (female) - As in "Maggy the frog," a witch who foretold doom for the character Cersei in Game of Thrones.
  • Maleficent (female) - The evil witch in Sleeping Beauty. The name means "prone to evil" which could certainly describe some mischievous cats!
  • Medea (female) - A witch in Greek mythology who is a heroine in the story of Jason and the Argonauts.
  • Melisandre (female) - The "red woman" witch from the Game of Thrones series.
  • Merlin (male) - The wizard from Arthurian legend.
  • Morgan or Morgainnne (female) - As in Morgan Le Fay from the legend of King Arthur.
  • Niamh (female) - In Irish mythology, a goddess of the sea known for her golden hair.
  • Noita (female) - Finnish word for "witch."
  • Prospero (male) - The sorcerer character in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
  • Radagast (male) - A good wizard in the Lord of the Rings trilogy associated with the color brown and nature.
  • Saruman (male) - A good wizard who turned evil in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and is associated with the color white.
  • Severus (male) - As in Severus Snape, the master of the dark arts from the Harry Potter series.
  • Theodora (female) - The Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz.
  • Thessaly (female) - A witch in the Sandman comic series by Neil Gaiman.

  • Triss (female) - As in Triss Merigold, the chestnut-haired witch from The Witcher series of books and video games.
  • Ursula (female) - The sea witch from the movie The Little Mermaid.
  • Wanda (female) - As in Wanda Maximoff AKA The Scarlet Witch from the Avengers comics and movies.
  • Willow (female) - The witch heroine from the Buffy the Vampire TV series.
  • Yennefer (female) - The dark-haired powerful witch from The Witcher series of books and video games.
Halloween witch pet cat in costume

Mythological Cat Names

There are many magical characters found in mythology from different cultures, both male and female, who would make excellent cat names.

  • Áine (female) - In Irish mythology, the Queen of Fairies and goddess of summer.
  • Aja (female) - The goddess of the forest in Yoruban mythology.
  • Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis (female) - If you happen to get three cats at once, you can name them after the three Fates from Greek mythology.
  • Avallach (male) - In old Arthurian legend, the king of the mystical of Avalon.
  • Baba Yaga (female) - An evil witch in Slavic mythology who lives in a house on giant chicken legs that moves about.
  • Cybele (female) - A Greek nature goddess associated with lions and tigers.
  • Durga or Jaya (female) - A Hindu warrior goddess who road into battle on a lion.
  • Inara (female) - In Middle Eastern mythology, a goddess who protected animals.
  • Krishna (male) - The Hindu god of love and happiness.
  • Leda (female) - In Greek mythology, a very beautiful woman who was the mother of Helen of Troy.
  • Maia or Maya (female) - A nymph in Greek mythology and goddess of spring in Roman mythology.
  • Orion (male) - A great hunter in Greek mythology.
  • Penthesilea (female) - In Greek mythology, the Queen of the Amazons.
  • Phoenix - A mythological fire bird that rises from the ashes to live again.
  • Sekhmet (female) - An Egyptian cat goddess.
  • Shiva (male) - The Hindu god known as the destroyer.
  • Zaria (female) - The Slavic goddess of beauty which also means "flower" in Arabic.
Beautiful Persian white cat

Mystical Cat Names

Cats are definitely mystical creatures who often seem to be communing on another plane with their strange, but endearing, antics. Naming them after the mystical themes seems fitting.

  • Achak - Means "spirit" in the Native American Algonquin language.
  • Angel - In Greek, "messenger of god."
  • Azrael (male) - In Muslim and Jewish mythology, the Angel of Death.
  • Bryock (male) - An ancient Celtic name that means "big prince."
  • Cassiel (male) - An archangel who is a guardian of Capricorns.
  • Cheveyo (male) - Means "spirit warrior" in the Hopi language.
  • Dharma - When a person in Hinduism or Buddhism shows their religious devotion and principles daily.
  • Dhruv (male) or Dhruva (female) - The name for the North star in the Sanskrit.
  • Duša (male) or Dušana (female) - A "soul spirit" in Czech.
  • Espiridión (male) - Spanish for "little spirit."
  • Fravardin (male) - Persian for "guardian spirit."
  • Gabriel (male) or Gabrielle (female) - An archangel found in Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions.
  • Hototo (male) - Hopi word for "warrior spirit who sings" which could be great for a very talkative cat!
  • Imamu (male) - Swahili word for "spiritual guide."
  • Kachina (female) - A Hopi word for a sacred or spiritual dancer.
  • Kami - From the Japanese Shinto religion, Kami relates to the energy in all things, even objects.
  • Kismet (female) - The word for "fate" in Arabic.
  • Kneph (male) - Egyptian word for "spirit."
  • Mandala - A spiritual round symbol found in Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Neschume - Yiddish for "soul"
  • Rune - Means "secret" in German and also the word for stones used in divination.
  • Seraphina (female) - One of the angels who protects God's throne in Christianity.
  • Tarot - Colorful cards used for divination by witches and seers.
  • Tien (female) - A Vietnamese word for an angel.
  • Wanageeska (male) - Sioux name which means "white spirit" (for a white cat!)
  • Yousei - A Japanese fairy or sprite. The word means "bright star."
Young woman with divination cards in room

Ancient Cat Names

Ancient names are names that are not often used any more and may have many meanings. Because they are rarely heard, they can have a magical feel to them.

  • Ariel - Means "The Lion of God" in Hebrew and is an ancient name for Jerusalem.
  • Asha - The word for "hope" in Hindi.
  • Aurelius (male) or Aurelia (female) - One of the great Roman emperors, the word means "golden one" in Latin and is good for a pale-colored cat.
  • Cassius (male) or Cassia (female) - An ancient Latin name. In Greek it means "cinnamon" which works for a cat with this coloring.
  • Caesar (male) - As in Julius Caesar, the Roman emperor.
  • Chava (female) - The Hebrew name for Eve; also means "alive."
  • Demelza (female) - An ancient Cornish name which means "hill fort" and also the name of a character in the Poldark BBC TV series.
  • Esther (female) - A well-known heroine from the Bible connected to the Purim holiday.
  • Gaius (male) - An ancient Latin name which means "happy."
  • Isolde (female) - In Welsh legends, Isolde was a beautiful princess (albeit with a sad ending).
  • Plato (male) - The famous Greek philosopher.
  • Remus and Romulus (male) - The names of two twin brothers who were the founders of Rome in mythology. Use for two boy kittens!
  • Tarquin (male) - An Ancient Roman name associated with kings.
  • Xanthos (male) - An Ancient Roman name that means "yellow" which works for a cream colored or ginger cat.
Table of the alchemist

Spiritual Cat Names

Spiritualism believes in the presence of spirits and higher powers in people's daily lives. There are many choices to express your spirituality through your cat's name.

  • Alma (female) - Means "soul" in Spanish.
  • Ariya - In Buddhism, a person who has become holy; also means "noble."
  • Banafrit - Egyptian word for "beautiful soul."
  • Bodhi - A word in Buddhism that means "enlightenment."
  • Enid (female) - Word for "soul" in Welsh.
  • Faith (female) - Originally comes from the Latin word "to trust."
  • Grace (female) - In Christianity, a person who has no sins and is favored by God.
  • Harmony - A Latin word that means "unity."
  • Namaste - A greeting in Hinduism that indicates a belief in the divine in people.
  • Nirvana - The highest state of enlightenment one can reach in Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Om - A common chant used in meditation in some Eastern religions.
  • Peace - From the Latin word pax, peace is a spiritual state of calm and comfort.
  • Salmon (male) - In Arabic, it means one who seeks to become spiritual.
  • Serenity - A state of contentment and peace achieved through meditation.
  • Shechina (female) - A Hebrew name that means "God's holy spirit."
  • Veda - The Hindu religion's ancient scriptures (as in "the Vedas").
  • Zen - A peaceful state of being in Buddhism.
Black Maine Coon cat kitten

Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Magical Cat

Anyone who loves cats can agree that they are magical creatures, and it's no wonder they are associated with witches and wizards in legends and myths. If you are looking for more cat name inspiration, try using more mythological goddesses for inspiration or names for black cats if you've chosen the traditional color for magical cats.

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Magical Cat Names for Your Mystical Feline