Dameranian Puppy Care and Breed Overview

Updated September 26, 2018
Dachshund and Pomeranian is a Dameranian

A small dog that combines the best of two popular breeds, the dameranian is an adorable addition to any home. Dameranian puppies can mature into loving, healthy adults with proper care and training.


The Dameranian is not a breed but rather a cross between the Pomeranian and dachshund breeds. The hybrid came about during the 1990s and is known by several other names including Pom Weenie, Pom-a-Weenie, Pomeranian Weiner Dog, Doxie Pom, and Pomdach. Although the dameranian is a hybrid and therefore not recognized by major breed organizations such as the American Kennel Club and United Kennel Club, it is recognized by smaller crossbreed registries including the American Canine Hybrid Club, Designer Breed Registry, Dog Registry of America, and the International Designer Canine Registry.

Physical Characteristics of Dameranians

Since this is a hybrid, the looks of each dog will vary. In general, a Pomeranian/dachshund mix will be a small dog weighing from 8 to 25 pounds and 5 to 11 inches high. Their coat is likely to be either medium or long with thick hair that will be wavy or straight. You will most likely need to groom several times a week to keep them from shedding and their coat from matting. Coat colors will be white, black, blue, tan, gray, or brown. They tend to look more like dachshunds with a long body and short legs. They also tend to have large droopy ears. Their life span should be between 12 and 16 years, which is approximately the same life span of a Pomeranian or a Dachshund.


Dameranians get their temperament from their parent dogs and have qualities of both Pomeranians and dachshunds. They tend to be friendly dogs that do well in families and with other pets. Because of their dachshund heritage, they will bark and alert you to the presence of strangers or outside activity.

Dameranian Puppy Care Facts

Because you are dealing with a hybrid, it's always difficult to know how the adult dog will turn out. That makes working with them when they are a puppy critical to developing a behaviorally and physically healthy dog. Some tips every dameranian owner should observe include the following.


If you want to get an idea of how big your dameranian puppy will be as an adult, take their weight at 14 weeks of age and double it, or use their weight at 6 months of age and figure that will be 75 percent of their adult weight.


Your dameranian will require regular grooming whether it has medium or long hair. The sooner you acclimate your puppy to being brushed, the easier it will be to groom him as an adult. Pair brushing him with something rewarding, such as food treats or petting and happy talk, at least once a week.


Take your dameranian to a puppy class as soon as he has enough vaccinations and make sure to socialize him with other people and animals as soon as possible. Like any hybrid dog, you won't really know what his temperament will be so working on training and socializing him is critical. Particularly since dachshunds are known for being more temperamental with other dogs and strangers, you want to make sure this personality trait is minimized positively so you'll have a well-adjusted adult dog.


Depending on how much your puppy takes from his dachshund heritage, he may be quite a barker. Starting on training him not to bark on cue when he's a puppy is much easier than beginning as an adult, so this is a trick you'll want to work on as soon as your puppy is ready.

Separation Anxiety

Dameranians are known for having difficulty being alone and for bonding closely with their owner. If you work on acclimating him to being alone as a puppy, you are more likely to have an adult dog capable of alone time of several hours without becoming severely anxious. Practice with your puppy coming and going and crate training and reward him for good behavior while you are away. Gradually increase your departure times. Make sure other household members spend time with him and care for his needs to discourage a fixation on one person.


Like both of their parents, a dachshund/Pomeranian mix will not require a lot of daily exercise. They do well with one or two short daily walks and some play time with you. They are smart dogs, however, and providing them with mental exercise is a good way to keep them occupied. Food-stuffed toys and using clicker training can help keep them mentally alert and active.

Health Concerns

A dameranian is likely to suffer from genetic conditions common for dachshunds and Pomeranians. These include:

Dameranian Concerns

Aside from health and temperament concerns, anyone who wants to bring a dameranian into their home should be aware that small dogs should always be supervised if playing outside in the yard. Dameranians in particular, because of their Dachshund lineage, are diggers and can easily work their way under fences. They're at risk as well of being carried off as prey if you live in areas where wildlife is prevalent such as coyotes, eagles, and hawks. This can happen even in your yard if the predator animal feels they have a clear opportunity to snatch your dog and get away safely.

Getting a Dameranian Puppy

The price for a dameranian puppy runs from about $150 to $550, and the quality of breeders offering dameranians for sale may vary widely. Unfortunately, when a crossbreed becomes popular, there will be many breeders looking to cash in on a popular dog without putting time and effort into providing the best care for their puppies. It's important to do your research to find a dog that is healthy and well cared for. Be prepared to ask the breeder questions about how where they house the dogs, how they socialize the puppies and provide appropriate medical care, and what their procedures for selling puppies are. A breeder who is unwilling to answer questions, or who will simply take your money without any type of application process is one to be avoided. To find a dameranian breeder, you can start by visiting the website of the Designer Breed Registry. Keep in mind, there are several small registry organizations that recognize the dameranian, but having papers with one of these is not an indicator of quality for your potential puppy.

Dameranian Rescue

Since the dameranian is not a breed but a crossbreed, there are no rescue groups specifically set up for people seeking to adopt an adult or puppy dameranian. Rescue groups and shelters will also not likely list a dog as a dameranian, but either as a Dachshund mix or a Pomeranian mix as they will not know the parentage of the dog. If you want to use resources like the Petfinder website, use their search feature by looking for Dachshund or Pomeranian. You can then read more details about the dogs your search pulls up to find out more about their mix as well as contact the shelter directly for more information.

Is a Dameranian the Right Dog for You?

If you want a small dog with a lot of personality, the dameranian is a good match. This dog does well with an owner who won't leave him alone for long periods and who can put the time into training and socializing him as a puppy. Consider all the relevant facts and characteristics about dameranians before deciding whether to bring one of these dogs into your home.

Dameranian Puppy Care and Breed Overview