All jokes are great, but there’s just something extra funny about dad jokes. They’re the corniest of the corny and have you rolling your eyes as soon as the punch line hits. Whether you’re a true cat dad or just a feline-loving jokester, you’ll love these cat jokes. You could even say you’ll find them hissterical (ba dum tss).
Jokes About Being a Cat Dad
How do you know you’re a cat dad? You talk to your cat… a lot, you have cutesy nicknames for them, and if anyone messes with your cat, they need to go through you first. These jokes poke fun at the “cat dad” title, but they’re all based on truth.

- How many cat dads does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, because the cat knocked it off the counter and broke it.
- I told my friend I’m a cat dad, and they said I must be a pretty pawesome guy. I said it’s all about purrspective.
- You know you’re a cat dad when your phone’s camera roll is 90% cat pics and 10% everything else.
- As a cat dad, my idea of a wild Saturday night is binge-watching cat videos with my fur child and making them catnip tea.
- You know you’re a cat dad when you’ve said, “I can’t, I gotta get home to my cat.”
- Did you hear the one about being a cat dad? Their day is only purrfectly complete after I’ve cleaned up a hairball.
- Being a cat dad is like a job I get paid for in purrs and biscuits.
- You know you’re a cat dad when you cancel plans because your cat looks too cute to leave.
The Corniest Cat Dad Jokes You’ll Ever Hear
What do you get when someone tells an especially cheesy cat dad joke? A bellyache from all that dairy! Pull these groaners out of your back pocket whenever you want to get a chuckle (or eye roll) out of your friends. We can guarantee these jokes are Corny with a capital C.

- Dogs can’t run an MRI machine, but catscan.
- Q: If lights run on electricity and cars run on fuel, what do cats run on?
- A: Their paws.
- Q: How do French cats say “thank you?”
- A: Meowci beaucoup.
- Q: What do you call a pile of cats?
- A: A meowntain
- Q: How do cats resolve things after a fight?
- A: They hiss and make up.
- Q: What is a cat’s favorite color?
- A: Purrple
- Q: What did the cat say when they knocked on the hotel room door?
- A: Mousekeeping
- Q: What do cats like to eat on a hot, summer day?
- A: A mice cream cone
- Q: Why do cats like sitting near computers?
- A: Because they want to keep their eye on the mouse.
- Q: What is a cat’s favorite book genre?
- A: Meowstery
- Q: What do you call a cat who likes bowling?
- A: An alley cat
- Q: What instrument does a cat play in the band?
- A: Purrcussion
More Hissterical Cat Jokes
Haven’t had enough. You’ve cat to be kitten me! Fill up on some more cheesy joke gouda-ness.

- Did you hear the one about the cat who ate a ball of yarn? She had mittens!
Never actually give your cat yarn or string. It can cause a fatal issue if ingested.
- Q: Why aren’t cats good at telling stories?
- A: Because they only have one tail!
- Q: Where did the cat go to buy a new tail?
- A: The re-tail store.
- Q: What did the cat teacher ask to be called?
- A: Purrfessor
- Q: What’s the only day dedicated to cats?
- A: Caturday
- Q: Where do cats go on vacation?
- A: The Canary Islands
- Q: What do cats use after they brush their teeth?
- A: Mousewash
- Q: What do you call a cat that can swim underwater?
- A: A meowmaid
Related: A Horse Walks Into a Bar & 50+ Other Horse Dad Jokes
Cat Dad Jokes That’ll Make Your Purr
Cats are truly special and often peculiar creatures, but that’s why we love them so much. Plus, their antics make for some pawsitively great humor. Scroll through cat memes, puns, and funny cat photos to keep the laughs going, then be sure to share them with the cat daddies in your life.